In Traditional medicine, certain body systems are associated with an organ name and a meridian. Each system and its energetics are stronger during its season.
Read MoreSeptember is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness (PCOS) month. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown but it is one of the most common hormone problems for women. Click to read more…
Read MoreEveryone’s favorite question in a doctor’s visit, “what is the day of your last period?” Might seem like a random inquiry to some, but knowing where you are in your cycle is a very significant diagnosing tool. So, what cycle day are you on? If you don’t know the answer to that question, then you should consider tracking today.
Read MoreAnytime there is a change of season, there is an alteration of immune function so boosting the immune system should always be top of mind. Therefore, herbal formulas that strengthen the essence and nourish the body are very important to have on hand as summer rushes in.
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