We recently had the chance to sit down with International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Jessica Claire, from the Los Angeles Area. In addition to her private practice, Jessica teaches prenatal breastfeeding classes at The Family Room and the Del Mar Birth Center, and also works as an inpatient, outpatient, and NICU Lactation Specialist at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. In our interview, Jessica gave us some great information about her field and some important questions for mothers-to-be to consider when looking for a lactation consultant.
Read MoreA few days before a women’s period, there is a sharp decline in estrogen and progesterone. This abrupt hormonal shift can be the cause of these headaches and other PMS symptoms. There is also a strong correlation between estrogen and progesterone levels and serotonin levels in the brain.
Read MoreThe human endocrine system is sensitive to even slight changes, and your external environment can be a major influencer of this system. There are countless factors challenging hormonal balance, so it is tough to say there is one specific variable, but there are a few toxicants that are known to affect hormone function.
Read MoreEvery acupuncture appointment can vary, and so much of the experience is based on that first meeting between the patient and the acupuncturist. That first visit is a great opportunity for you to decide if you are a good fit for each other. At this point, it’s important to be clear and upfront about your primary health concerns.
Here are some other things you should expect from your first appointment with Mighty River Wellness.
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